Deciding on the best fish tank mates can be challenging. You have to consider the fish’s temperament, ecological requirements, and behaviors to be kept as mates. Platyfish can live with a good number of fish within certain parameters.
Platies are friendly and do well with fish similar in size and temperament, such as neon tetras, molly fish, guppies, endlers, swordtails, betta fish, zebra danio, rosy tetras, rummy nose tetras, and minnows. Avoid goldfish, cherry shrimp, cichlids, barbs, plecos, angelfish, rainbowfish, and oscars.
Unlike most fish, platies withstand a high pH range of 6.8-8.5 and a temperature within 70 to 82°F (They may need a heater).
You should be careful when deciding on the best platy tank mates. I’ve had success (and failure) with the fish types highlighted below regarding their compatibility with platies.
Best Platy Fish Tank Mates
The best fish types to keep with platies include the following:
Best platy fish tank mates | Worst platy fish tank mates |
Neon tetras | Goldfish |
Molly fish | Cherry shrimp |
Guppy fish | Cichlids |
Endlers | Barbs |
Swordtails | Plecos |
Betta fish | Angelfish |
Zebra danio | Rainbowfish |
Rosy tetras | Loaches |
Rummy nose tetras | Oscars |
Minnows | Corydoras catfish |
1. Neon Tetras
Neon tetras are small but lively fish with attractive crystalline bodies with green, metallic blue, and red colors.
They grow to an average size of 1.5 inches. However, despite their small size, they require big fish tanks since they’re schooling fish that stay in groups of 15.
A 20-gallon fish tank filled with aquarium plants is perfect for platies since they enjoy the highest time swimming at the center of the tank.
In addition, they’re non-violent fish which makes them an awesome tank mate for your platies. Tetras can also live with goldfish without issues.
2. Molly Fish
Molly fish are suitable for beginner aquarium hobbyists. They have a diversified habitat range that includes brackish and fresh water.
These fish have an extended body that can go up to 4 inches. They should be kept in a spacious aquarium coupled with aquarium plants since they love feeding on algae that grow on these plants.
Molly fish don’t withstand unexpected temperature changes. Thus, they shouldn’t be kept in crowded and small fish tanks.
In addition, they’re calm and lively fish that breed uncontrollably when opposite genders are kept in the same fish tank. These fish will smoothly blend with platies in your fish tank and make the best mates. Molly and platyfish have similarities, further increasing their compatibility.
3. Guppy Fish
Guppies and platies survive well when kept in the same fish tank. They have similar water requirements, are both viviparous, and enjoy living in a planted fish tank.
Guppies’ physical traits are very impressive. They show flowing fins and beautiful colors and are smaller-sized compared to platies.
Guppies are well-known for controlling mosquitoes in places of high mosquito invasion. In fact, they’re used as a natural control method for getting rid of mosquitoes.
In addition to breeding habits and water requirements, guppies are omnivorous, like platies, making them suitable tank mates.
4. Endlers
Endler fish are also suitable tank mates for platies. They also easily crossbreed with platies. Endlers are active fish that enjoy living in fish tanks fitted with thick plants. They’re schooling fish that should be kept in groups of at least 10.
Most breeds of endlers have a metallic green color matched with multiple color variations, including blue, yellow, red, and purple.
Endlers are also easy to feed and keep since they accept various foods. Notably, they are peaceful, making them good tank mates for different freshwater fish, including platies, mollies, and guppies.
5. Swordtails
Swordtails have a sword-shaped tail and a captivating sight and come in different color variations. Depending on various tank conditions, these fish’ bodies can grow up to 4-5 inches.
They can be a good or bad match for your platies based on their temperament. Some breeds are aggressive, while others are timid and peaceful. Aggressive strains appear to be too aggressive towards male fish of their kind.
Beginner aquarists like keeping swordtails due to their attractive colors, odd shape, and minimum keeping requirements. On the other hand, breeders try to breed swordtails with platies.
If you aim to keep swordtails with platies, limit the number of swordtail males and keep them in a planted water tank to deter aggression.
6. Betta Fish
Platies and bettas easily match up in the same fish tank due to their similar water requirements. However, their characteristics slightly differ based on behavioral and stocking issues. Bettas are well-known territorial fish that get into a fight with other fish with similar physical traits and males of their kind.
Platies are dissimilar to bettas and don’t display aggressive behavior characteristics. However, carefully watch out in the tank since fin-nipping may occur.
Also, avoid keeping multiple betta males in a similar tank and ensure you’re accountable for the fact that platies are omnivores while bettas are carnivores.
7. Zebra Danio
Zebra Danio fish are a good selection for platy fish tank mates. This is because platies have short fins that zebra danios may not quickly nip at.
Zebra Danios are active fish that spend significant time within the upper levels of the water column. They’re always ready to adventure in other corners of the aquarium away from the platies.
They have an incredible appetite and prefer feeding on invertebrates and vegetables. They’re also easy to keep and a good option for beginner aquarists.
8. Rosy Tetras
Rosy tetras have a salmon-colored body, are peaceful, and are fairly hardy. These fish should be kept in groups of 6 to make them comfortable and develop attractive colors more easily.
Rosy tetras easily attain 1.6 inches in size and feel happy in a fish tank fitted with aquarium plants that offer sufficient open swimming space.
These fish should be kept with small-sized non-aggressive fish that won’t bully them – platies meet all these requirements.
9. Rummy Nose Tetras
Rummy nose tetras have a distinctive feature of a bright red spot and white-black stripes on their tails. Also, their peaceful temper makes them suitable tank mates for freshwater fish like platies.
These fish should be kept in a minimum-size tank of 25 gallons in a school of at least 7 fish. They’re omnivorous, which makes them flourish on a diversified diet.
These fish are susceptible to high nitrate and ammonia levels. Thus, ensure an extra filter in your fish tank when keeping these fish with platies.
10. Minnows
Minnows are small-sized fish with a peaceful temperament. Thus, a good option for platy tank mates. Typically, minnows are less impressive based on colors and physical characteristics.
However, selective breeding has brought up more fascinating specimens that display multiple color variations, such as White Cloud Mountain Minnow, which has a red spatter on its body and fins.
Minnows come from mountain stream regions. Thus, they enjoy colder temperatures that may be unsuitable for platies. Therefore, ensure you choose minnows with the exact temperature requirements as platies during your selection.
Apart from my suggestions, you can also try other peaceful tank mates, such as Bolivian rams.
Worst Platy Fish Tank Mates
Some of the fish that shouldn’t be kept with platies include:
1. Goldfish
Goldfish won’t make good mates for platies. They have entirely different water requirements. Plus, platies’ high temperament may be unsuitable for goldfish.
2. Cherry Shrimp
Cherry shrimp are small-sized fish that appear helpless to platies and other fish. Also, they have a bright red color and a peculiar nature that makes them easily preyed on by other fish.
3. Cichlids
Typically, cichlids are aggressive and will contribute to fateful accidents to platies. Most cichlids breeds will kill your platies in no time. This is except for Ram Cichlids, which are less aggressive.
4. Barbs
Barbs are well-known fin nippers. Rosy barbs, Tiger barbs, Denison barbs, and Gold barbs will easily catch your platies and tear their fins. In addition, they are too stressful to live with other fish species. Keeping barb fish with other fish is not advisable.
5. Plecos
Plecos are large-sized fish that can grow up to 15 inches long. They’re heavy feeders that can feed on plants in your aquarium within one day. Also, they have an aggressive temperament that makes them easily fight other fish, including your platies.
6. Angelfish
Though they appear attractive, angelfish should not be kept with guppies or platies. Their aggressive nature makes them quickly kill platies by nipping at their fins and gills.
If you keep them together, you’ll often find your platies missing.
7. Rainbowfish
Rainbowfish are fairly large-sized and aggressive. Thus, they easily chase and eat smaller fish, including your precious platies. Therefore, they aren’t a suitable species to add to your platy tank.
8. Loaches
Loaches are aggressive fish species that chase down other fish in a tank and eat them or rip off their fins when closer. Therefore, when added to your platy fish tank, they will easily bite them and cause severe injuries. This makes an unsuitable species to mix with your platies.
9. Oscars
Oscars are a popular choice for aquarists. They are well-known for their striking appearance and large size up to 12 inches.
However, they’re too territorial and will attack any fish in their aquarium, including your valuable platyfish. Taking care of oscars is quite easy, but mostly when they’re on their own.
10. Corydoras Catfish
Corydoras catfish have sharp teeth that easily hurt other fish in an aquarium. They are also carnivores, while platies are omnivorous. Thus, they are unsuitable mates for your platies in the aquarium.
Blend Your Platies in the Tank by Adding Best Mates!
Some fish species are peaceful and have similar ecological and food requirements to platyfish. This makes them suitable mates for platies in the tank. Others are more aggressive and cause harm to platies in your aquarium.
Such fish are unsuitable platy tank mates. You should thus be careful when choosing tank mates for your platies. You can easily blend your platies in the tank by adding the platy tank mates detailed above.