Cichlids (Cichlidae) are a large family of freshwater fish that are native to Africa, Central and South America, and Madagascar. Most of these fish are brightly colored with varying social behavior. However, they’re popular in aquariums because of their ability to learn and adapt to new environments easily.
The different species of cichlids vary in color, size, and shape. You’ll find that some of them are small and peaceful while others are big with an aggressive temperament.
In terms of their native habitat, cichlids have been found to reside in streams, rivers, and lakes.
While they’re easy to care for, keeping cichlids with compatible tank mates is important. Larger cichlids require large tanks, so you also want to consider that.
Here are the various types of cichlids kept in freshwater aquariums:
Cichlasoma |
Blue dolphin cichlid |
Angelfish | Neolamprologus |
Convict cichlid | Jack Dempsey |
Discus | Jaguar cichlid |
Haplochromis | Big-mouth hap |
Oscar | Livingston’s cichlid |
Ram cichlid | Lamprologus ocellatus |
Freshwater angelfish | Paratilapia |
Aulonocara | Lyretail cichlid |
Rainbow kribs | Green chromide |
Humphead cichlid | Labidochromis |
Rainbow cichlid | Melanochromis |
Apistogramma | Haplochromine |
Pseudotropheus | Sciaenochromis |
Oreochromis aureus | Thorichthys |
Jewel cichlid | Nimbochromis |
Astronotus | Aulonocara nyassae |
Boulengerochromis | Mozambique tilapia |
Oreochromis | Redbelly tilapia |
Pelvicachromis | Nile tilapia |
Tropheus | Geophagus |
Golden Mbuna | Guianacara |
Herotilapia | Paraneetroplus |
Amphilophus | Mikrogeophagus |
Vieja |
Here are some fun facts about cichlids:
Read more about cichlids in our articles below: